Influence of pollinating varieties on plumpness and uvological parameters of bunches of the native grape variety ‘Sary Pandas’
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variety; grapes; bunch; berry; uvology; parthenocarpy; pollinator; parameter


The article presents the results of research on the influence of pollinating varieties on plumpness and uvological parameters of bunches of the native grape
variety ‘Sary Pandas’. It was established that ‘Sary Pandas’ variety, which has a
functionally female type of flower, should be planted together with pollinating
varieties. Study of uvological parameters of ‘ Sary Pandas’ variety depending
on the pollinating variety showed that bushes pollinated with ‘Muscat Blanc’
variety have bigger bunches (298.6±6.2 g), greater number of seeds formed
(248±4.07 pc s .), exceeding this parameter by 1.1 times compared to other
pollinating variants when cultivating ‘Sary Pandas’ variety. In all studied
combinations of cultivation of ‘Sary Pandas’ variety, the parthenocarpic berries are formed in bunches. At the same time, the share of normal berries is
91.04-94.98 %, depending on the combination: the basic variety – the pollinating variety. However, in bunches of typical density (‘Sary Pandas’ variety in
combination with pollinators ‘Muscat Blanc’ and ‘Kokur Belyi’), the number of
normally developed berries is 3.94-2.88% higher than in bunches of medium
density (‘Sary Pandas’ and ‘Kunlean’ pollinator). Pollinating varieties ‘Muscat
Blanc’, ‘Kokur Belyi’ and ‘Kunlean’, rotating on the production site with the
variety ‘Sary Pandas’, do not significantly effect changes in such parameters
as: the number of berries per bunch, the weight of 100 berries, the percentage of juice and pulp in the total weight of the bunch, the mass concentration of sugars (on average 250g/dm3 on September, 20). At the same time, when laying a new site of ‘Sary Pandas’ variety, it is preferable to plant pollinating varieties ‘Muscat Blanc’ and ‘Kokur Belyi’.

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