Vol 24 No 3 (2022): Magarach. Viticulture and Winemaking
Magarach. Viticulture and Winemaking

This issue of the journal contains the research results in the field of soil science - the condition of soils of fruit-bearing vineyards in Dagestan and using of modern mineral fertilizers in vineyards in the South-Western Crimea were studied. Genetic studies are presented with material containing the use of regression analysis to study the effect of the genotype on compatibility of variety-rootstock combinations. An article on the molecular-genetic and chemical-technological characteristics of new grape variety ‘Dmitriy’ and an overview of grapevine gene pool in Don Ampelographic Collection named after Ya.I. Potapenko are published. The section of viticulture also contains materials on the research of local grapevine cultivars of Crimea and Armenia, the development of cryocollection in the culture in vitro, as well as the system of adaptive horticulture depending on the climatic potential of the territory.

The winemaking section is represented by a number of relevant materials. In particular, approaches to develop a set of criteria for identifying wines with geographical indication are considered; the relationship between heat provision of vineyard and the quality of wines from plantations of native variety ‘Kokur Belyi’ was studied. Technological aspects and characteristics of new grape varieties as an alternative for the production of sparkling wines are considered.


Гаяне Грантовна Мелян, Андраник Акопович Барсегян, Кима Сережаевна Дангян, Нарек Агванович Саакян, Белла Аркадиевна Григорян, Юрий Цатурович Мартиросян
Direct organogenesis in vitro for mass propagation and conservation of grapevine cv. ‘Merdzavani Vaghahas’: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.001
Людмила Георгиевна Наумова, Валентина Алексеевна Ганич
Mobilization, replenishment and study of grapevine gene pool in Don Ampelographic Collection named aſter Ya.I. Potapenko: DOI 110.34919/IM.2022.24.3.002
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Владимир Григорьевич Вержук, Мария Викторовна Ерастенкова, Анна Андреевна Хохленко, Магамедгусейн Магамедганифович Агаханов, Евгений Николаевич Кислин, Юлия Васильевна Ухатова
Evaluation of regenerative capacity of grape (V. vinifera L.) and red currant (R. rubrum L.) accessions in the culture in vitro for the development of VIR cryocollection: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.003
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Дмитрий Валериевич Потанин, Маргарита Игоревна Иванова, Вячеслав Иосифович Иванченко, Олег Григорьевич Замета
The use of regression analysis to study the effect of the origin of rootstocks on compatibility of variety-rootstock combinations of grapes: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.004
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Алла Анатольевна Полулях, Владимир Александрович Волынкин, Владимир Владимирович Лиховской
Productivity of local grapevine cultivars of Crimea: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.005
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Елена Тарасовна Ильницкая, Ольга Николаевна Шелудько, Марина Викторовна Макаркина
Molecular-genetic and chemical-technological characteristics of ‘Dmitry’ grape variety: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.006
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Гаджи Гасайникадиевич Магомедов, Елена Селимовна Магомедова
The estimation of soil conditions of fruit-bearing vineyards in Dagestan under long-term exploitation: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.007
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Наталья Васильевна Алейникова, Павел Александрович Диденко, Яна Эдуардовна Радионовская, Сергей Юрьевич Белаш
Biological regulation of the use of modern mineral fertilizers on grapes in the conditions of South-Western Crimea: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.008
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Дмитрий Валериевич Потанин, Маргарита Игоревна Иванова
Selection of adaptive gardening elements depending on the climatic potential of the territory: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.009
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Надежда Станиславовна Аникина, Виктория Григорьевна Гержикова, Татьяна Александровна Жилякова, Антонина Валерьевна Весютова, Вероника Анатольевна Олейникова, Марианна Вадимовна Ермихина, Ольга Викторовна Рябинина
Current approaches to develop a set of criteria for identifying wines with geographical indication: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.010
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Александр Семенович Макаров, Наталия Александровна Шмигельская, Игорь Павлович Лутков, Виктория Алексеевна Максимовская, Галина Владимировна Сивочуб
Sparkling wines from selection grape varieties: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.011
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Елена Викторовна Остроухова, Евгений Александрович Рыбалко, Ирина Валериевна Пескова, Наталья Валентиновна Баранова, Светлана Валентиновна Левченко, Наталия Юрьевна Луткова, Александр Вадимович Романов, Владимир Александрович Бойко, Оксана Юрьевна Евстафьева
Влияние теплообеспеченности виноградников на формирование физико-химических характеристик и качества винограда и вина сорта Кокур белый: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.012
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Антон Владимирович Сильвестров, Виктор Афанасьевич Загоруйко, Наталья Борисовна Чаплыгина, Людмила Алексеевна Мишунова, Константин Федорович Феодосиди
Substantiation of main directions to develop energy-saving installation for processing base wines against crystalline haze: DOI 10.34919/IM.2022.24.3.013
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