Influence of base wine technological processing on the temperature of saturation with potassium bitartrate and calcium tartrate
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crystal destabilization of wines; tartrate salts; saturation temperature with potassium bitartrate and calcium tartrate; forms of tartaric acid


Protection of the market quality of finished wine products is achieved
through the use of technological processing of base wines. The effect of technological approaches of base wine processing on their tendency to crystal destabilization was assessed. We determined the values of pH, mass concentration
of tartaric acid and its ionized forms, potassium and calcium cations, saturation
temperature with potassium bitartrate and calcium tartrate in 252 samples of
table and liqueur base wines. Changes in the mass concentration of compounds
responsible for the formation of crystal haze in table and liqueur wines, and the
dynamics of their balance during the technological processing were also studied.
In the process of technological operation, including base wine fining and cold
treatment, a decrease in pH values took place and was accompanied by redistribution of tartaric acid forms and a decrease in saturation temperature with
potassium and calcium bitartrate and proved to be a factor of stability. Average
values of saturation temperature of white table base wines tolerant to colloidal
and crystal haze, which amounted to 10.3oC for potassium bitartrate and 12.1oC
for calcium tartrate, were established. Technological processing proceeded more
efficiently for table base wines rather than for liquors due to higher values of pH
decrease and reduction of tartaric acid mass concentration

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