Vol 22 No 4 (2020): Magarach. Viticulture and Winemaking
Magarach. Viticulture and Winemaking

A significant place of this issue of the journal is occupied by review questions of grape selection and ampelography. We present new wine grape variety ‘Stella’, publish materials on micropropagation of grapes, cultivation of organic grapes. As always, work in the area of plant protection is also a hot topic. Issues of development the base of raw materials of national viticulture and brandy production are the projection of the research of oenologists, but already in the technological aspect. These materials are presented as an analytical review based on the experience of the last twenty years and the original research.


Владимир Владимирович Лиховской, Владимир Александрович Волынкин, Наталия Леонидовна Студеникова
New wine grape variety ‘Stella’ selected in the Institute Magarach: DOI 10.35547/IM.2020.22.35.001
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Игорь Владимирович Гавриленко
Optimization of nutrient media for clonal micropropagation of the rootstock grape variety ‘Kober 5BB’: DOI 10.35547/IM.2020.19.99.002
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Геннадий Юрьевич Спотарь, Елена Николаевна Спотарь, Светлана Михайловна Гориславец
Manifestation of seedless trait in a group of grape varieties in agroclimatic conditions of the ampelographic collection of the FGBUN «VNNIIViV «Magarach» RAS» in 2019: DOI 10.35547/ IM.2020.57.93.003
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Валентина Викторовна Танкевич
Promising apple clonal rootstocks in Crimea: DOI 10.35547/IM.2020.79.71.004
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Лидия Николаевна Каргина
New tobacco varieties: DOI 10.35547/IM.2020.47.47.005
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Виктория Юрьевна Борисова, Евгений Александрович Рыбалко, Наталья Валентиновна Баранова
Spatial variation regularities of hydrothermal coefficient of Selyaninov in the Crimean Peninsula conditions: DOI 10.35547/IM.2020.42.64.006
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Надежда Александровна Сироткина
The effect of bush loading with shoots on the grape and wine quality: DOI 10.35547/ IM.2020.47.77.007
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Наталья Васильевна Алейникова
Biological regulation of the use of modern phosphate potassium fertilizer Fungicrops on table grapes in the conditions of Crimea: DOI 10.35547/IM.2020.11.85.008
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Елена Павловна Странишевская
System of protection and technological aspects of organic grape production in conditions of the South Coast of Crimea: DOI 10.35547/IM.2020.97.47.009
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Евгения Георгиевна Юрченко
Fusarium cluster blight of grapes: features of pathogenesis and harmfulness: DOI 10.35547/ IM.2020.40.10.010
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Мищенко Ирина Григорьевна
Special aspects of plum clasterosporiosis development in Krasnodar Krai: DOI 10.35547/ IM.2020.82.61.011
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Александр Семенович Макаров
The improvement of raw materials of locally produced sparkling wines Aleksandr Semionovich Mak: DOI 10.35547/IM.2020.96.35.012
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Ольга Алексеевна Чурсина
The role of grape variety in the quality formation of brandy base wines and distillates: DOI 10.35547/ IM.2020.31.10.013
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Гержикова Виктория Григорьевна
Influence of base wine technological processing on the temperature of saturation with potassium bitartrate and calcium tartrate: DOI 10.35547/IM.2020.70.77.014
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