Magarach. Viticulture and winemaking.

Current Issue

Vol 26 No 2 (2024)
Published June 19, 2024
Magarach. Viticulture and Winemaking

This issue of the journal presents the research results of Magarach scientists and our colleagues from the Institute named after Ya.I. Potapenko, as well as from Dagestan and Azerbaijan. Breeders are considering the inheritance of economically valuable traits in grape seedlings in the population ‘Talisman x Exotic’. Such direction as viticulture is represented by a study of the effect of moisture supply in the territory of natural zones of the Crimean Peninsula on crop quality of wine grape varieties. The effect of salt water treated with electromagnetic waves on a grape plant is also considered. We introduce readers with databases created in the Don Ampelographic Collection. Organic viticulture is presented in the article about preparations of natural origin in grape protection system in the South Coast of Crimea.

We continue to study physicochemical characteristics of new and aboriginal grape varieties, promising for the production of red sparkling wines. Three studies focus on microbiological aspects of winemaking. Such traditional material as sulfur dioxide is considered in theoretical and practical respect. The effect of grape growing area on the mineral composition of wine was studied. The aging period of brandy distillates was estimated based on their multivariate analysis. Resource-saving technologies are represented by a study of various extraction technologies, composition and antioxidant properties of grape seed oil.


Владимир Владимирович Лиховской, Наталия Леонидовна Студенникова, Зинаида Викторовна Котоловець, Наталия Анатольевна Рыбаченко, Мария Анатольевна Андросова, Владимир Александрович Гончаренко
Inheritance of some economically valuable traits in grape seedlings in the population ‘Talisman x Exotic’
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Евгений Александрович Рыбалко, Наталья Валентиновна Баранова, Алина Сергеевна Ерхова
The effect of moisture supply in the territory of natural zones of the Crimean Peninsula on crop quality of wine grape varieties
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Людмила Георгиевна Наумова, Валентина Алексеевна Ганич
Databases and digitalization of the Don Ampelographic Collection named aſter Ya.I. Potapenko
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Вугар Сулейманович Салимов, Сурхай Расулович Новрузов, Ибрагим Асимович Зулбалаев, Рауф Айдынович Асадуллаев, Лала Рафиговна Сулейманова
The effect of salt water treated with electromagnetic waves on a grape plant
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Эдем Фахриевич Челебиев, Эрфан Сиранович Халилов, Максим Константинович Усков
Drought resistance of promising varieties and forms of apple trees of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden breeding
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Елена Павловна Странишевская, Яков Александрович Волков, Марина Вячеславовна Волкова, Елена Алексеевна Матвейкина, Надежда Ивановна Шадура, Виталий Александрович Володин
Preparations of natural origin in the organic grape protection system in the conditions of the South Coast of Crimea
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Наталия Александровна Шмигельская, Александр Семёнович Макаров, Игорь Павлович Лутков, Виктория Алексеевна Максимовская, Галина Владимировна Сивочуб, Екатерина Александровна Тимошенко
Assessment of physicochemical indicators of selected and aboriginal grape varieties for the production of red sparkling wines
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Ирина Валериевна Пескова, Елена Викторовна Остроухова, Ирина Константиновна Тампей, Евгений Анатольевич Сластья
The effect of natural microbiomes of yeasts and Lachancea thermotolerans on the quality of dry red wines
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Руслан Генрихович Тимофеев, Мария Александровна Вьюгина
Theoretical and practical aspects of the use of sulfur dioxide in winemaking
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Наталия Юрьевна Луткова, Максим Юрьевич Шаламитский, Карина Александровна Семенова, Валентина Ивановна Загоруйко
Selection of promising yeast strains for the production of terroir wines
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Елена Селимовна Магомедова, Динаханум Абиляевна Абдуллабекова, Динара Алиевна Аливердиева, Гаджи Гасайникадиевич Магомедов, Ольга Николаевна Шелудько, Юрий Федорович Якуба, Екатерина Александровна Митрофанова
Joint fermentation of yeasts Lachancea thermotolerans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae – the effect on creating the components responsible for the quality of wines
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Надежда Станиславовна Аникина, Нонна Владимировна Гниломедова, Антонина Валерьевна Весютова, София Николаевна Червяк, Евгений Анатольевич Сластья, Марианна Вадимовна Ермихина, Вероника Анатольевна Олейникова
The effect of grape growing area on the mineral composition of wines
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Ольга Алексеевна Чурсина, Людмила Алексеевна Легашева, Дмитрий Юрьевич Погорелов
Estimation of the aging period of brandy distillates based on their multivariate analysis
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Инна Владимировна Черноусова, Георгий Павлович Зайцев
Grape seed oil: extraction technologies, composition and antioxidant properties
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The journal Magarach. Viticulture and Winemaking is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal that does not charge authors for article publication.

The academic journal Magarach. Viticulture and Winemaking are aimed at the audience of academics and practitioners, teachers and university postgraduates. The journal and the collection of scientific papers cover contemporary issues in viticulture, winemaking, storage and processing of horticultural products, economics and marketing, genetics, breeding and nursery, agricultural practices, organic products cultivation, plant protection, microbiology of winemaking, technologies for the production of still, sparkling and brandy wines, chemistry and biochemistry of winemaking, analytical research and innovative technologies. The journal and the collection of scientific papers contain as well information on current events and milestones in the field of viticulture and winemaking.

The successor of the Crimean Herald of Horticulture and Viticulture published in Crimea before the revolution, the specialized periodical journal Magarach. Viticulture and Winemaking was founded in 1874 in Crimea - the birthplace of the national viticulture and enology. Under this name it has been known since 1997. In the Soviet period it was called Viticulture and Winemaking of the USSR, the Bulletin of the Specialized Research Center for the Production and Processing of Grapes.

The journal is included into the "List of ... VAK" (Higher Attestation Commission) under the following fields of study:

05.18.01 Technology for treatment, storage and processing of cereals, legume crops, grain, fruit and vegetable products and viticulture products

06.01.08 Fruit growing, viticulture

The journal is published 4 times a year.

The journal publishes original articles and reviews in the Russian and English languages. Manuscripts covering original theoretical and experimental research findings, reviews on contemporary topics in the field, essays on new or modified methodologies as well as short communications are accep0ted for publication. Prior to publication, all submitted manuscripts will undergo blind peer review. The editors reserve the right to reject without review articles irrelevant to the profile of the journal and manuscripts that do not comply with submission format. Please consult a recent issue of the journal for style, formatting and layout. It can be accessed at the Institute’s website:


The Journal is included into VAK (Higher Attestation Commission) of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications that cover major findings of dissertations for the degree of the candidate of science and for the degree of doctor of science.  The journal is registered in the RINC system (Russian Science Citation Index).

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Registration number and date of the decision on registration: PI series No. FS77-74005 as of October 19, 2018.